Presentations galore!

Watch out world!  My faculty friend Dr. Sarah Twill & I will present about our service-learning experiences twice this fall.  Once at the Academic Library Association of Ohio conference in October and again at the Lilly International Conference on College Teaching!  And if that isn't exciting enough, we also just got word this week that we'll be co-presenting along with Jennifer Nutefall, University Librarian at Santa Clara University, and Maggie Stevens of Indiana Campus Compact, at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) 2013 conference in Indianapolis, IN.    We'll be talking about our experiences pairing information literacy & service-learning in the social & environmental sustainability in Appalachia course.  This week, we've also begun making plans for the spring semester edition of this course and our service-learning trip at the end of the term.  We will travel back to Good Works in Athens County, OH and work with our partners again April 28-May4, 2013.
